Sabar Dalam Membangun Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris Anak

“Pak mohon maaf kalau Ihan selama ini lambat dalam mengikuti pelajaran, itu lho, tulisan-tulisan bahasa Inggrisnya masih sering salah,” kata Ayah dari Ihan salah satu murid Pak Fajri.

“Tidak masalah, Pak,” kata Pak Fajri kepada Ayah dari Ihan,”Selama Bapak sabar dan tidak terlalu memaksa Ihan, suatu saat pasti Ihan juga akan bagus tulisannya dan sanggup mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik,” demikian katanya pula kepada Ayah dari Ihan.

“Kejadian seperti ini sangat sering terjadi dan banyak siswa yang di masa awal-awalnya belajar bahasa Inggris kesulitan menulis kata-kata bahasa Inggris, tetapi setelah beberapa tahun mengikuti tanpa henti banyak sekarang yang menjadi juara di kelasnya,” lanjut Pak Fajri kepada Ayah dari Ihan.

Perbedaan antara penulisan bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia memang tak bisa dipungkiri. Hal ini karena budaya dan geografis yang sangat berbeda. Perbedaan yang sedemikian besar memberikan andil yang besar dalam memberikan pengertian-pengertian yang berbeda.

Bagi seorang anak yang baru pertama kali belajar bahasa Inggris berarti memiliki nol jam terbang atas pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Demikian juga seorang anak yang baru mengenal huruf dan tulisan dalam bahasa Indonesia pada usia 4 atau 5 tahun(atau mungkin lebih dini lagi) juga memiliki nol jam atas tulis-menulis bahasa Indonesia. Dikarenakan jam terbangnya yang masih sangat sedikit maka sangat wajar sekali yang bersangkutan berbuat salah saat menulis atau membaca.

Hal yang sering tidak disadari oleh orang tua ialah perbedaan jam terbang belajar tulis menulis ini. Orang tua ingin serba cepat. Beberapa bulan belajar bahasa Inggris harus tahu banyak dan lancar. Kalau sudah kursus bahasa Inggris beberapa bulan tidak juga bisa, maka dikatakan tempat kursusnya jelek dan sebagainya. Orang tua sering lupa, bahwa belajar bahasa ialah proses yang terus-terus untuk membangun penguasaan bahasa yang baik.

Saat seorang anak memasuki SD (usia 6 atau 7 tahun), anak tersebut mungkin sudah mengenal tulisan dan bacaan berbahasa Indonesia saat usia 5 tahun (pada saat TK) artinya pada usia 6 tahun sudah memiliki 200 jam terbang (dengan asumsi 4 kali seminggu belajar 1 jam tulis menulis dan membaca selama 50 minggu), sedangkan kalau sudah berusia 7 tahun berarti sudah memiliki 400 jam terbang. Akan tetapi, apakah dengan 200 jam atau 400 jam terbang tersebut sang anak sudah bisa langsung menulis dan membaca dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan baik? Jawabannnya,ialah “belum tentu”.
Hal yang perlu difahami oleh orang tua ialah saat anak memasuki SD kelas I sebagian besar siswa SD baru mengenal tulisan dan bacaan dalam bahasa Inggris, sementara di saat yang sama sang anak sudah memiliki pengalaman 200 jam atau 400 jam terbang atas tulis menulis dan bacaan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Artinya, jangan berharap di bawah 200 jam, sang anak sudah mampu menulis dan membaca dengan benar kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris, apalagi kalau hanya mengandalkan 2 kali pertemuan per minggu pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah yang cuma 45 menit per pertemuan. Memang untuk mengejar ketertinggalan jam terbang tersebut, peran orang tua dan lembaga kursus sangat berperan.

Kalau para orang tua merasa sudah mengirim anak-anaknya ke kursus selama beberapa periode misalnya 1 tahun atau 2 tahun tapi sang anak juga belum bisa menulis kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar, coba cek penulisan bahasa Indonesia anak yang bersangkutan, apakah masih banyak yang salah atau tidak. Caranya? Coba dikte penulisan kata atau kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan minta anak tersebut menuliskannya. Silakan pergunakan bunyi-bunyi seperti “ng”, “ny”, penggunaan “ua” seperti pada “kuat” atau “buat”, penggunaan “ia” seperti pada “kiat” atau “ialah”. Kalau masih sering salah, artinya orang tua harus lebih sabar lagi.

Satu hal lagi yang mungkin perlu diingat para orang tua agar lebih sabar dalam membangun kompetensi bahasa Inggris anak-anaknya. Silakan anda kilas balik ke diri anda. Anda sudah mengenal bahasa Indonesia berapa tahun? Kalau anda mulai dari 2 tahun sudah mengerti bahasa Indonesia, jika usia anda saat ini 30 tahun artinya sudah memiliki 80.192 jam terbang (8 jam per hari x 352 hari x 28 tahun = 80.192) dalam bahasa Indonesia . Apakah dengan 80.192 jam terbang bahasa Indonesia anda, anda sudah bisa berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar?

Bagaimana menurut anda? Maaf bila ada kata-kata yang tidak berkenan.

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Book : ''English For Business''

Book Title : English For Business
Author : W Ferrier Mavor
Publisher : Binarupa Aksara
Contents :
1. The Sentence, short and long.
2. Why we punctuate.
3. The words we use.
4. Accuracy of expression.
5. Find the mistakes
6. Style : guidelines and pitfalls.
7. Planning a business letter.
8. Lay-out of a business letter.
9. Different types of business letter.
10. The multiple letter.
11. How to write a summary.
12. Minutes and reports.
13. Comprehension
my english
Private - Groups - in company trainiing
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Book :"how to Teach Busness English"

Book Title : how to TEach Business English

Author : Evan Frendo

Publisher : Longman

Contents :

1. What is special about business English?
2. Assessing needs and preferences.
3. Designing a course.
4. Selecting and developing materials.
5. Teaching business speaking skills.
6. Teaching business writing skills.
7. How to teach business English at a distance.
8. How to include intercultural training.
9. Evaluating and assessing.

If you are an English teacher and or if you are an English learner for Business English, this book is suitable for you.

English new comers will find this book is particularly relevant, but those with more experiences will see this book is a fresh insights into key issues.

BOOK : "how to Teach Vocabulary"

Book Tittle : how to Teach Vocabulary

Author : Scott Thornbury

Publisher : Longman

Contents :

1. What is in a word?
2. How words are learned.
3. Classroom sources of words.
4. Texts, dictionaries, and corpora.
5. How to present vocabulary.
6. How to put words to work.
7. Teaching word parts and word chunks.
8. How to test vocabularies.
9. How to train good vocabulary learners.

This book is good for those who get involve in Teaching English. Among many ways of teaching English especially grammar, and he presence of computerized lesson, this book will guide how to use them all together without any contradiction.

Book : "Free and Situational Writing"

Book Title : Free and Situational Writing for GCE 'N' and 'O' Levels.

Author : Leong Ping, Alvin

Publisher : Leraners Publishing

Contents :

Unit 1 : Witing as a skill
Unit 2 : Purpose and Text Types
Unit 3 : Field : Generating Content
Unit 4 : Tenor - Undersatnding Your Audience
Unit 5 : Mode - Organizing Your Work
Unit 6 : The Framework and Situational Writing

Unit 7: Recounts
Unit 8: Narratives
Unit 9 : Expositions
Unit 10 : Information Reports
Unit 11 : Explanations
Unit 12 : Procedurs

This book is very suitable for the students and or learners who are interested in English Writing Skills.

Book :"Language Its Structure and Use"

Book Title : Language Its Structure and Use

Author : Edward Finegan

Publisher : Thomson

Contents :

Chapter 1. Language and Linguistic

Part One
Language Structures
Chapter 2. Words and Their Parts : Lexicon and Morphology
Chapter 3. The Sounds of Languages : Phonetics
Chapter 4. Sound System of Language : Phonology
Chapter 5. The structure and Function of Phrases and Syntax
Chapter 6. The study of meaning : Semantics
Chapter 7. Language Universals and Language Typology

Part Two
Language Use
Chapter 8. Information Structure and Pragmatics
Chapter 9. Speech Acts and Conversation
Chapter 10. Registers and Styles : Language Variation across Situation of Use
Chapter 11. Language Variation Among Social Groups : Dialects
Chapter 12. Writing

Part Three
Language Change, Language Development, and Language Acquisition
Chapter 13. Language Change over time : Historical Linguistic
Chapter 14. Historical Development in English
Chapter 15. Acquiring First and Second Languages

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Book :"Introduction to Academic Writing

Book Title : Introduction to Academic Writing"

Author : Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue

Publisher : Longman


1. Paragraph Format
2. Narrative Paragraphs
3. Paragraph Structure
4. Descriptive Paragraph
5. Logical Division of Ideas
6. Process Paragraphs
7. Comparison/Contrast Paragraphs
8. Definition Paragraphs


1. Essay Organization
2. Opinion Essays

This book is very suitable for those who want to learn or improve their knowledge on academic writing. Teachers, students, reporters, and those who love writing are suggested to read this book.

Get the book in

Book :''Contrastive Analysis''

Book Title : Contrastive Analysis
Author : Carl James
Publisher : Longman
Contents :
- What is Contrastive Analysis
- The Psychplogical Basis of Contrastive Analysis.
- The Linguistic Components of Contrastive Analysis.
- Microlinguistic Contrastive Analysis.
- Macrolinguistic and Contrastive Analysis.
- Pedagogical Explotation of Contrastive Analysis.
- Some issues of Contention.
Gaining Good English

Book :''Error Analysis and Interlanguage''

Book Title : Error Analysis and Interlanguage
Author : S.P. Corder
Publisher : Oxford University Press
Contents :
1. The Significance of learner's errors.
2. Idiosyncratic dialects and error analysis.
3. Describing the language learner's language.
4. The role of interpretation in the study of learners' errors.
5. Error analysis and remedial teaching
6. The elicitation of interlanguage.
7. The study of interlanguage.
8. Simple codes and source of the second language learner's initial heuristic hypothesis.
9. Language continua and the interlanguage hypothesis.
10. Language distance and the magnitude of the language learning task.
11. Strategies of communication.
12. Formal simplicity and functional simplication.
Gaining Good English

Book :"Reasearch Methods in Education"

Book Title : Reasearch Methods in Education

Author : William Wiersama

Publisher : Allyn and Bacon

Contents :

1. Educational Research : Its Nature Characteristic.
2. Identification of Research Problem
3. The review of literature
4. Principles of Research Design
5. Experimental Research
6. Quasi - Experimental Research
7. Survey Research
8. Historical Research
9. Ethnographic Research
10. Sampling Design
11. Measurement and Data Collection
12. Statistical Data Analysis
13. Communicating About Research

This book is very suitable for teachers, students of teaching, who want to learn more about research in Education. Without proper research teachers will not be able to evaluate their teaching effectiveness.

Book :''Errors In Language Learning and Use''

Book Title : Errors in Language Learning and Use (Exploring Error analysis)
Author : Carl James
Publisher : Longman
Contents :
1. Definition and Delimination.
- Human error
- Successive paradigms
- Interlanguage and the veto on comparison
- Learner and native speaker
- The heyday of Error Analysis
- Mounting criticism of Error Analysis
- Data collection for Error Analysis
2. The Scope of Error Analysis
- Good English for the English
- Good English for the FL/SL learner
- The native speaker and the power dimension
- The Incompletness hyphothesis
- Other reference points for Error Analysis
3. Defining 'Error'
- Ignorence
- Measures of deviance
- Otherdimensions : errors and mistakes
- Error : mistake and acquisition : learning - an equation?
- Lapsology
4. The Description of Errors
- Error detection
- Locating errors
- Describing errors
- Error classification
- Error taxonomies
- Counting errors
- Profiling and Error Analysis
- Computerized corpora of errors
5. Levels of Errors
- Substance errors
- Text errors
- Lexical errors
- Classifying lexical errors
- Grammar errors
- Discourse errors
6. Diagnosing Errors
7. Error Gravity and Error Evaluation
8. Error Correction
9. A Case Study
This book is very suitable for those who are learning English applied linguistic.

Book :"Course Design"

Book Title : Course Design (Developing programs and materials for language learning)

Author : Fraida Dubin and Elite Olshtain

Publisher : Cambridge University Press

Contents :

1. The fact-finding stage : assessing societal factors.
2. The basis curriculum and syllabus designing.
3. How goals become realized though instructional plans.
4. A curriculum developed on communicative goals.
5. The scope of communicative syllabus.
6. Focusing on language content in a communicative syllabus.
7. Focusing on process : materials that deal with sociocultural appropriateness.
8. Focusing on products : materials that deal with the reading.
9. Creating materials : the links between syllabus and audience.

This book is good for those who work with curriculum, course owner, teacher, and thos who love in developing English learning.

Book : "Get Start To Learn English"

Book Title : Get Start To Learn English"

Author : Nur Arifah Drajati

Publisher : PT RajaGrafindo Perkasa

Contents :

1. Reading Section
2. Speaking Section
3. Writing Section.
4. Grammar Section

This book is good for students who want to start seriuolsy learning English.

Other detail to follow....

Book : ''how to............ teach english with technology''

Book Title : how to............ teach english with technology
Author : Gavin Dudeney and Nicky Hockly
Publisher : Longman
Contents :
1. Technology in the classroom
2. Word processors in the classroom
3. Using websites
4. Internet-based project work
5. How to use email
6. How to use chat
7. Blogs, wikis and podcast
8. Online reference tools
9. Technology-based courseware
10. Producing electronic materials
11, e-learning; online teaching and training
12. Preparing for future is very good for those who are interested in teaching english through technology.
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Book :''Practical English Language Teaching''

Book Title : Practical English Language Teaching
Author : David Nunan (The Editor)
Publisher : Mc Graw Hill
Contents :
1. Exploring skills.
- Methodhology - David Nunan
- Listening - Marc Helgesen
- Speaking - Kathleen M. Bailey
2. Explroring language.
- Pronounciation - John Murphy
- Vocabulary - I.S.P. Nation
- Grammar - David Nunan
- Discourse - Michael Mc. Carthy and Steve Walsh
3. Supporting the learning process.
- Content-based instruction - Donna Brinton
- Coursebooks - Kathlee Graves
- Computer-assisted language learning - Ken Beatty
- Learning styles and strategies - Mary Ann Christison
- Learner autonomy in the classroom - Phil Benson
- Classroom based assessment - Geoff Brindley
This book consisted of many articles from diffferent writers. This book is good to develop teaching and learning for English Language Teaching. Those who are interested in teachinga and learning is suggested to read this book.
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BOOK ;''Principles of Language Learning And Teaching''

Book Title : Principles of Language Llearning And Teaching
Author : H. Douglas Brown (San Fransisco University)
Publisher : Longman
1. Language, Learning, and Teaching
2. First Language Acquisition
3. Age and Acquisition
4. Human Learning
5. Styles and Strategies
6. Personality Factors
7. Sociocultural Factors
8. Cross-Linguistic Influence and Learner Language
9. Communicative Competence
10. Theories of Second Language Acquisition
This book is very suitable for those who want to get involve in teaching and learning of language teaching. The terms like SLA, form-focused-instruction, language aptitude are introduced in this book.
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BOOK :''Practical English Language Teaching Young Learner''

Book Title : Practical English Language Teaching Young Learner.
Author : Caroline T. Linse and David Nunan
Publisher : Mc Graw Hill
Chapter 1. The Child as a language learner.
Chapter 2. Teaching listening to young learners.
Chapter 3. Teaching Speaking to young learners.
Chapter 4. Teaching Reading to young learners.
Chapter 5. Teaching Writing to young learners.
Chapter 6. Teaching Vocabularies to young learners.
Chapter 7. Assessing young learners.
Chapter 8. Working with parents of young learners.
Chapter 9. Key issue in teaching young learners.
This book is designed for teachers or for teachers in preparation who may have or may not have formal training in second and foreign language teaching methodology.
The teachers should read this book in order to gain better teaching methodology.
Find more through Amazon.
Gaining Good English

BOOK :''Teacher as Reflective Practitioner and Action Research''

Book Title : Teacher as Reflective Practitioner and Action Researcher.
Authors : Richard D. Parson and Kimberlee S. Brown
Publisher : Wadsworth Thomson Learning
Contents :
SECTION I. ACTION RESEARCH : Increasing Effectiveness of Teacher Decision Making
SECTION II. Increasing Teacher Effectiveness : Working with The Uniqueness of ''WHO'' We Teach
SECTION III. The How Of Teaching : Researching Learning Theory and Instructional Practice.
SECTION IV. Becoming an Active Researcher.
This book is very suitable for teachers who want to do research on their teaching, so they can improve the quality of their teaching.
The better research they do, it can be expected that their quality of teaching will improve.
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Book Title : The Process Of Composition
(Second Book)
Author : Joy M. Reid (Colorado State University)
Publisher : Prentice Hall Regents
Contents :
- Objective of the Course
- The Audience
- Showing and Telling
- General and Specific
- The Paragraph
- Subject and Topic
- The Topic Sentence
- Writing the Topic Sentence
- The Point Paragraph
- The Process of Writing Paragrah
- Developing Ideas
- Supporting Techniques
- Methods of Development
- Selecting a Topic
- Abstract and Concrete Topics
- Title of The Essay
- Organizing a Topic
- Prewriting
- The Thesis Statement
- Paragraph Relationship
- Essay Outlining
- Complete Body Paragraph Outlining
- The Instruction
- The Body
- The Conclusion
- Coherence Devices
- Transition
- Paragraph Hooks
- Revision of Drafts
- Peer Revision
- Editing
- Students Samples of The Essay
There are total 10 chapters of this book. The contents of the book will, little by little guide the reader to make a good composition.
This book is very good for those who want to make themselves able to have good writing.
At the end of this book, reader will shown some samples of Resume and Business Letter Writing.
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Interesting Teaching

Learning English By Audio is very nice and interesting.
The most important thing for teacher is creating a lesson interesting for the students. A teacher in the class is totally limited by 4 walls, left, right, behind and front wall. If a teacher doesn't have creativity, the teacher really will create a boring teaching. The impact of boring teaching is clear :''make the students get bore'', and it is totally not good.
Audio and video can help the teacher get out of that horrible situation. By using the devices corectly there will a very attractive and nice learning. The impacts is clear :''good for and the teacher''.
For teachers who read this writing hopefully this article will motivate us to create a very interesting teaching way.
Gaining Good English

Better Than Nothing???

This evening there were two new students for private class. They wanted to learn English and wanted to prepare themselves for the UAN (National Final test).

These two children were very eager to improve their English capability. UAN is only 13 days more, why the want to learn English seriously now? Well, may be they think, it is better to get a little than nothing. This just realized that their English was poor because they got marks 3.00 and 4.00 of English Trial Test. Offcourse, their marks were not enough to pass for UAN if it was UAN's results.

Ok, it is better to get a little than nothing.

I told them that it can not be. In SMA/SMK, it is an obligation to learn English from the very beginning of SMA/SMK e.g. 1st year of SMA/AMK. There is no reason not to learn English after they are in the 3rd year of SMA/SMK.

For the first time of the class. I checked their vocabularies and ................... ups, their vocabularies are very poor. What's this? They are in the 3rd year of SMP, but their vocabularies are not better than my 5th year of Elementary students?

It's really poor situation. Hopefully that the parents who read my writing will learn about the other parents' fault not to put their children to study English in the very beginning of the class.

Do you have children?

Gaining Good English

Two Smart Children

This morning I taught 2 students. They are 2 children, brother and sister. The sister was in 4th year of elementary school and the brother was 2nd year of elementary school.

Both students were very smart. Because this was my first ime in teaching them, so I tried to find out their English skills and capability. I did the following things :

1. "Please Take" game.
In this game, I devided some cards. The cards were having two faces, one face was in English, and the other face was in Bahasa Indonesia. After I distributed 15 cards (I put the words in Bahasa in the front, and the English ones in the back side) I asked them to follow my instructions :"Please take ....................". After doing for 15 times, finally the brother could get 7 cards, and the sister had 7 cards, too. That was great.

2. Q n A games.
I asked some questions in English and the had to answer my questions.
- If I am thirsty, I drink a glass of .......................................... (they answer :"water").
- etc etc
- Seven times seven is ................................ ("fourty nine", they said).
- etc etc

3. Spelling B
I asked the to spell the words that I mentioned. Out of 6 words they could answer all! That's great!.

4. Sing some songs.
I turned on my laptop and then I played the DVD.
I turned on 4 songs, and asked them to follow the song. The result was :"They could do all perfectly". Fantastics.

From above test, I concluded that they were in basic 3 level. So I will adjust the lesson which I will give them in the next meetings.@

Gaining Good English

Ready For UAN/Final Test

I told to my SMP students, that they will face National Final Examination (UAN) within few days, 27th of April 2009. So please be calm and never get depress.

I told them to keep on learning and got discipline in study.

In learning English, I told them to memorize words especially irregular verbs. I also told them to make some sentences using the 14 tenses. Trying to make some English sentences are the basic and important skill. If they can manage this hopefully they can read English better.

Personal Way Is Important

Yesterday I taught English for an adults group. One of the group's member asked me about :

Pembebasan Bersyarat in English. Finally I could tell him that PEMBEBASAN BERSYARAT in English was CONDITIONAL DISCHARGE = a judgment from made by a court that allows someone who has done something illegal not to be punished if the obey rules set by the court.

In the class we also discuss about making an extra lobby by using an informal method, here is the way :

If you have difficulties in doing cooperation with some through formal way, please try an informal one, sometime it works. In a formal way, a person may be nice with you, but the action that you are expecting from him/her never become a reality. Trust me there must be some thing that the person expects from you. The cheaper way to make a close relationship with someone is sending him/her a card (birthday, success, religion's celebration etc). May be you send something, not only card, but in the form of handicraft with your name card in it.

The message is : Do not always use formal way, because it will always have relation with position, He/she will think that people respect him/her only because of his/her position (not as a person). "People like to be given something and like to be respected personally", it means that if someone who pays attention to him/her personally not because of his/her position but as a person.

HOW TO "mastering English"

Last night I taught a groups of Senior High and University students. They asked me some questions about mastering English. I told them that the most important things you need to do is "at least you have to master around 5000 English words".

They asked me, "Why that many words?"

I said, "5000 words are not many. Everyday people will use at least 1500 words."

"Well, it looks a lot of words, but if you practice it, it is nothing. To be a better one in English speaking you must master around 10,000 words"

I asked my students to test their words mastery. I asked the to write all things in the classroom, I gave them about 2 minutes. After two minutes, I checked their works. I found some students could make more than 20 but some below 15 words. I asked them to check together. In two minutes finally after checking together, we had around 30 things we could mention. I told them, if you could get around 20 or 15, you could divide the number by 30, if you could get 15, divided by 30 meant it was only 50%.

I told them, "Here is the prove". "Offcourse, If I ask you to make sentences, you will find many difficulties."

To conclude the session, I told them that there was no other way if you wanted to master English well, you need to invest your time, and energy. The more you do, the better result you will gain.

Class Condition Depends On Teacher

For few days I didn't write anything. My doughter was hospitalized, but last night I tought a group in BNI Tower.
My group in BNI tower are Mr. Budi and Mr. Bowo, they are in treasury department. They are very eager and have strong courage in learning in English.
One of the way they learn English amid their busy hours are as follow :
- Mr. Bowo said that he usually learns English while he is in the car on the way to go to office and vise versa.
- Mr. Budi said that he usually learns English by having conversation with his expatriate neighbour but sometimes he make makes conversation by phone with me.
In every learning time in BNI tower, I usually discuss about what is happening right now. Sometimes, I turn CD player and let them listen the speaking. After listening the speaking we discuss the article. If the article is debatable, I set them into two opposite groups.
It is very nice to have a live class. The class will be not boring. I extremely agree that live or not a class is, will 100% be depend on the teacher.
Gaining Good English
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Lesson Plan 31032009

My Lesson Plans for to day are as follow :

1. For SMP Students

Target : They memorize and are able to make sentences.

Methods :
- They will watch TV and they will make a note about the verbs the can get from the show.
- Then, they will make Verbs' Form List in Present Tense, Past Tense, and Past Participle.
- After that, they will make sentences.

2. Elementary Students

Target : They will acquire the verbs and nouns.

Methods :
- They will play game to make them memotize about verbs and nouns.
- Play HANG MAN to make them be able to communicate in English.

3. Adults (Conversation and Writing)

Target :
Students can retell what they have read and they are able to express their ideas in English.

Methods :
- Students will get a piece of newspaper.
- Students must find an article which interest them.
- They must try to understand the article, by making some notes of verbs.
- After that, students will express and retell what they have read.

Gaining Good English

Lesson Plan 30032009 (1)

Yesterday I did the following :

1. In SMP Class

I asked the student watched TV, and then they got the verbs from the movie. After they got the verbs, they made Verb Forms (Present Tense, Past Tense, and Past Participe). Nos of them understood how to make it.

After they finished with Verb Forms, they made some sentences in Present Tense, Past Tense, Present Continous Tense, Past Continous Tense, Present Future Tense, Past Future, Present Perfect and Past Perfect. They could make them all.

2. Elementary Class.

I made a list of verbs in Bahasa. The student translate them into English. After that they had to make Present Continous Forms of the sentences. Later we checked their work together.

After having serious lesson, the children asked to play game. Children like to play game.

Gaining Good English

Lesson Plan 30032009

Today I will have 4 classes. They are SMP, Elementary, and adults classes.
My plans today are :
- Target : Students will be able to understand active and passive grammar and they will be able make the sentences.
- Methodes :
- Explaining active sentences' srammars and passive voice grammar and how to make the sentences.
- Instructing the students to memorize Irregular verbs.
Elementary Students.
Target : students will be able to memorize noun and be able to memorize numbers.
- Memorizing nouns by games : noun cards , and 'please take' cards.
- Simple math.
Adults Group.
- Listening 'Take The Money And Run'.
- Speaking by doing debat.
- TOEIC simple Test.
Gaining Good English

Teaching English By Audio

This morning I tought English for a private group.

The group consisted of 2 person. They are not basic learners but intermediate level. Their English is not that bad, but offcourse their vocabularies must improved in order to have better speaking and listening.

After I finished arranging my laptop, I started to turn on the VCD in my laptop.

The listening article was about Singapore. Due to the lack of the vocabularies they had, so the conversation didn't run well.

I tried hard to find the chance to make a "click" in my teaching. Finally I got a click. After listening the article, I asked them to make an imaginary situation, that one day they had a trip to Singapore and I asked them to make a short story after I told them and shown them the picture of some Singapore beauties.

Yes. Finally it worked.

My target that my students will speak up became a reality.

My Lesson Plan 28032009 (2)

In my second group of private class today, I turned on TV with English program (frankly, because of the condition i didn't follow the plan - listening the audio - but watched and listened the sound from TV).
The lesson could run well and again, the target to make the learner spoke English could run well.
The learner spoke a lot!
My third class learner didn't attend the meeting because she had to do something urgently today.
Gaining Good English

My Lesson Plan 28032009 (1)

My first class was OK.
The learner could give good response and my target to make them spoke a lot could run well.
They also could make the meeting alive.
Gaining Good English

My Lesson Plan 28032009

Today I will teach 3 groups of Private Groups.
Most of them are Intermediate Level, so I can make only one lesson plan for these 3 groups.
My plans are as follow :
1. Ice breaking for about 10 minutes.
We will have a discussion for what is happening arund us now. Last night at 20.30-21.30 we were urged to turn off the lamps in our house.
2. Listening for about 20 minutes.
The topic will be about Earh Day
3. Discuss the article by having debat and question and answer.
4. Conclusion of the learning today.
Gaining Good English

Children Love Games

I tought some classes yesterday. They were 3rd, 4th, and 6th years of Elementary School.
As usual, out of 90 minutes 50% of time the student study English through their books and the rest 50% of the time students study by doing games.
It was always nice to have games with them.
One of the advantages of having games in learning something is that the children will not feel bored with their learning.
Gaining Good English